Tomorrow, I am taking off bright and early from my favorite airport to attend Network USA 2013. My co-workers have been attending this air service development conference for years, and this time, I get to go, too!
Basically, Network operates like a sorority pledge week/speed dating mash-up. First, the airlines and airports put together their wish lists. Then, they’re “matched” and a schedule of short meetings are put together. Think of airlines like the prettiest girl in the room, while the airports are the eager suitors. Because air service is crucial to a community’s economic development, these meetings are incredibly important.
I’ll be along for the ride to help out my company’s air service development team. Sunday night, I get to help host a dinner at SeaWorld (Rough life, I know!), and then Monday and Tuesday, I’ll hold down the fort while the consultants and clients dash off to airline meetings. In preparation for this event, I created banner stands and table tents, as well.
At Network, I will meet airport managers from across the country. I’ll also get to see managers I met at the Air Service Development conference I helped organize. I’m looking forward to seeing this fun bunch, as well as the far-flung air service consultants I usually only get to see once a year! I’m sure there will be more stories from the road (err … sky), as these characters are always a good time.