Organization + Graphic Design? Does it get any better? Not in my opinion.
[resource inventory]
I was lucky to be a part of the team that worked on a TRB-ACRP project to assess the gaps in existing research. The team needed clear, descriptive graphics to illustrate four different metrics in four categories. I created the concepts, produced the graphics and put together the report cards for Taking Inventory of ACRP Research and the Next Challenges Facing the Airport Industry.
[indesign instructions]
When my department switched to a new proposal template, I turned my coworkers on to the wonderful world of InDesign libraries. A powerful tool for page layouts and graphics, I created libraries to match the templates and then wrote and designed these instructions.
[proposal graphics]
I worked on a proposal with a strict page limit but flexible page size requirements. Working with my project team, we came up with page layouts and infographics that clearly illustrated the advantages of working with our firm. The first two layouts are a two-page spread from the work plan, the next is a z-folded tabloid sheet showing our Colorado experience, and the fourth image showed how a large, complicated team matched up with a task timeline. The last page showcased examples of online tools. Our team was selected to provide the Colorado Department of Transportation with sustainability services, a key win for the year.
[buffalo ridge map]
For this property adjacent to the Wisconsin River, I created the sitemap and logo.