For each advertisement featured, I wrote the copy, selected and edited the photos, laid out the ad and prepared the file for publishing. Click the thumbnails to magnify the ads.

[integrity ad]
The firm I work for has been around for 114 years. Even cooler, one of its founders is known for his ethics. We adapted some text written for a proposal, mixed in some great old photos (probably found in the creepiest basement ever) and came up with this ad. This particular version ran in the State Aviation Journal.

[innovation ad]
The problem with being 114 years old? You can feel a little stodgy. To remind our clients and targets that we’re still doing ground-breaking (Ha! That was a lame A/E joke.) work, we chose innovation as one of our themes. This version was the back page of a directory.

[planning ad]
This was the second piece in an ad campaign that features a different service each issue of the publication. This particular version ran in Airport.

Because the company I work for just acquired a new planning firm, we wanted to toot our horn about the new expertise we had on-board, specifically on Part 150 studies and environmental impact statements. This ad features key players in the field and some of our new faces. We used a local (to Denver) photographer for a quick photo shoot at a meeting, and it resulted in relaxed faces and real emotions, which are always a treat to use.

[environmental ad]
After the planning advertisement, we decided to feature environmental services. This ad ran in Airport Improvement.

[airfield engineering ad]
At first, I thought the copy for this advertisement would be easy. After all, I work for a “Big E, little a” firm (that means more engineering than architecture for those of you not in the know). However, distilling what hundreds of staff members do for clients that range from teeny, general aviation airports to large, urban, commercial service airports turned out to be difficult. I worked with my Group Leader and boss to pick some strong services and valuable features that will hopefully pique the interest of our current and future clients.

 [ … and more]
The rest of the campaign includes sustainability, air service consulting and many more topics. See a selection below.